Rumor has it that Search Engine Optimization is a powerful way to generate Free traffic for an online business.
But, is this true and what the heck is Search Engine Optimization, anyway?
Well, The other day I was asked by one of my team members to explain what exactly Search Engine Optimization is and how he could leverage this powerful marketing strategy.
So, what I have done is explain to you in detail on what Search Engine Optimization is and also give you 5 Free Blogging Tips that will help you in your business!
It?s probably almost certain that you?ve visited one of the many search engines while doing your online internet activities.
In fact, you probably found my website by typing in a ?keyword? that I have ranked for. (I rank for many
Now, there are several search engines on the internet but lets face it?
The top three? search engines visited are Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
Many people from around the world use search engines to find more information on the topic they are looking for.
Once they type in their keywords, pages upon page show up.
But, most of the time the top websites that are ranked on the first page, get all or the majority of the traffic.
But, how did the top 10 websites get on page one?
Well, that?s a good question?
And the answer is Search Engine Optimization! (also known as SEO)
So what the Heck is Search Engine Optimization??
Search Engine Optimization ?SEO? is a technique marketers use to get there sites as high up on the search engine pages for a particular set of keywords that people may frequently type in.
This of course is a major PLUS for those website owners, because they get Free ?Organic? traffic? And in my opinion it is the BEST traffic you can get?
But, let me take this a step further?
You might be asking yourself?
What is ?Organic? traffic?
And here is the answer?
- First, (but way more expensive) is something that we call Pay Per Click (aka PPC).
When you type in a set of keywords everything on the far right, plus 1st couple top sponsored site?s of the search engines are considered pay per click.
- The second is by ranking your website the natural or ?Organic? way.? This simply means that the website owner has not paid a dime to be on this page.
They have used SEO or Search Engine Optimization to rank for the specific keyword.
All the websites in the center of the search engine pages are considered ?Organic? rankings.
The only way to get their for free is to have some SEO knowledge and training.
The more technical definition of SEO is the method in which search engines analyze and construct individual web pages and compares them to other website pages in order to decide where to rank and index those pages to be discovered within the search engines.
(But, I hope my first explanation was more defined in explaining to you what exactly SEO is and I hope you are beginning to see the BIG picture on why this strategy is so powerful.)
You see, everything starts with ?Search??
Meaning that when a person types in a specific keyword and they see the first results on the search engine, they click on it and hope their question gets answered.
If it is, that will ultimately turn into a lead, subscriber or better yet, a sale?
And that is the best targeted traffic you can get?. Period!
That?s all Great Armando, but how do I learn Search Engine Optimization?
Well, that?s easy?
You learn from people like myself who are experts in the field?
My Crazy SEO Traffic Formula shows you step by step on how to do effective SEO?
These are the exact SEO steps I took to build an 8k Residual Income in less than 67 days?
And I did it with this Unique Blogging System?
But, back to this blog post?
Now that you understand why Search Engine Optimization is important, I want to share a few Traffic Tips you can begin implementing right away?
Here are 5 tested and proven Traffic Generation Tips that you can combine with my Crazy SEO Traffic Formula?
1. Make your Content Catchy and Timely.
High quality and informative content will generate more traffic easily. Content that is liked, tweet or shared are said to be viral content which will get traffic. Content which answers the persons question is the goal. Remember, everything BEGINS with Search? So, educate them and then offer a solution?
2. Know Some SEO Techniques/Link Building.
Keyword research is one of the most important things when it comes to traffic with SEO. Take the extra effort to do Keyword research and know how long and short tail keywords are used. Be able? to know and understand the Keyword density thing, because it pays to know the difference between 5,000 visitors and 500 visitors your keyword has in generating more traffic. Keep in mind to not do keyword stuffing as Google will ban or penalize your site or blog.
Link Building is the best way to get higher rankings that will give your site more traffic naturally.
3. Be active on Social Media sites.
Facebook, Twitter, Google+ are the three major and most popular social media sites today that can work wonders to your site and can give you free blog traffic! Be an active member of those social media sites and link your every post to these sites. Ask your friends, relatives, and other colleagues to like, share and promote your post or site to their networks. With this, your site will have more viewers and readers. You can also add social media sharing buttons to your blog and encourage your readers to share it. This strategy is proven to really maximize traffic without spending a single cent.
4. Social- Book Marking.
This is by far a great way to build backlinks back to your content as well as sharing it on other sites that already get a ton of traffic. Some of the Social Bookmarking sites I use are Social Monkee and Onlywire
5. Speeding up the SEO Process by having an ?Authority Blog?.
Again, blogs are ranked by many factors. But, one of the biggest things that matter to the search engines when they rank you is ?How old is your blog?? and ?Does your blog have credibility?? Most people will not understand why this is so important.
So, let me try to explain..
Search Engines will rank your content based on how old it is and how many sites are linking back to it ?credibility?? This will make it much easier to rank on the Search Engines?
It is a HUGE part to the Search Engines Algorithms when they decide where your content is being ranked. That?s why if you are starting a ?new? blog, you better be prepared to put in some time before you see some results?
However, if you want to shorten the ?waiting? time, until your site begins getting some age and credibility and are looking for some easy way to make money, by simply Blogging?
Then I recommend, plugging into a Blogging System like the one Right Here?
Reason is, because this blogging platform is ranked in the top 200 sites in the world?
And the best part is, that you can get a blogging membership from them for only $25 a month and begin blogging your content for leads, subscribers and sales because it will be quicker and easier to rank for the keywords people will be searching for?
And let?s face it?
You want to be the one that is being found!
So, that?s it?
Those are my 5 tips and my explanation on what Search Engine Optimization is?
Now, apply what you have learned and happy Ranking!

With My Daughter at Disney?
?Six Figure Warrior and Mentor?
Online Marketing, Business Entrepreneur & Awesome Dad!!
PS ? Who else wants to discover exactly how I built an 8k per month Residual Income by simply blogging on complete autopilot? Click Here Now

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Armando AriasTagged with: blogging tips ? how to blogg ? search engine optimization ? seo tips ? seo training ? what is search engine optimization
Filed under: My Blog
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Thanks for sharing useful information. I agree with you. SEO services is essential for your business because with the help of SEO services you can increase visitor, traffic, popularity of product & services and sale.
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